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Lanolips Coconutter 101 Ointment Multi-Balm - Coconutter 10G

₦13,950.00 NGN
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Lano took their iconic Original 101 Ointment and infused with vitamin E & coconut oil to create the Lips 101 Ointment Coconutter Multi-Balm. They call it *A little tube of magic* For extremely dry & chapped lips, skin patches, cuticles & elbows.

  • This super rich, 100% natural lip balm penetrates and seals in moisture to give extreme hydration for extremely dry and chapped lips.
  • As its name suggests, it has many uses beyond just lips.
  • 101 Uses include: Apply to dry cuticles/cracked heels/dry nasal passages. Melt it into your own moisturizer to supercharge. Mix a tiny bit with your foundation for a natural, dewy look. Keep eyebrows in place. Apply to windburn/cold-chapped cheeks. Heal dry/brittle nails, paper cuts, insect bites.
  • Alleviates dryness associated with psoriasis and eczema.

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    Lanolips Coconutter 101 Ointment Multi-Balm - Coconutter 10G

    ₦13,950.00 NGN

    Lano took their iconic Original 101 Ointment and infused with vitamin E & coconut oil to create the Lips 101 Ointment Coconutter Multi-Balm. They call it *A little tube of magic* For extremely dry & chapped lips, skin patches, cuticles & elbows.

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